RECENT Projects:

Thursday, October 24th; 6:30pm @ Contemporary Jewish Museum

Selected as one of the curators for the Soundwave 9 festival. Working with Chief Curator, Tanya Gayer, to curate the performance DIALECTS, which features artist Szu-Han Ho. The performance draws from sounds, songs, and stories about migration and displacement, both human and nonhuman.

Casa de Palomitas interviewed London-based Artist Pio Abad on the occasion of his show at the Kadist San Francisco

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Exhibition on view from March 16 - July 21

Thursday, March 14, 2019; 6 p.m. Reception;
7 p.m. Artists' Conversation

The exhibition is the first time that Asia Society Texas has featured Filipino American artists, and all four artists are all making their Texas debuts.

@Fromm Hall - FR 125 - Maraschi Room at USF Wednesday, 5 – 6 p.m.

Celebrate the opening of Limning the Liminal with a conversation between artist Jenifer K Wofford and curator Patricia Cariño Valdez as they discuss the themes, influences, and inspirations behind Wofford’s crisp and imaginative work. A reception will follow in the gallery.

super sarap

@ Gallery 6/67 in Santa Ana

Featuring Mik Gaspay, Jeanne F. Jalandoni, and O.M. France Viana.

Guest curated by Patricia Cariño Valdez

Saturday, November 3rd - December 15th, 2018

PAL Artist retreat

August 11, 2018 at 11 AM - Pilipino American Library (PAL) Artists Retreat at the Asian Art Museum. Organized by PJ Gubatina Policarpio, creator/founder of PAL / Pilipinx American Library 

June - Guest host on Congratulations Pine Tree, The Bay Area's Number One ARts and Culture Podcast 

 June 2018 - Visiting Curator At Central Features Contemporary Art in albuquerque, NM