ICA Live! @ San Jose Institute of contemporary art

From Spring 2016 through Summer 2018 at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) , Valdez proposed, researched, and oversaw 10-12 contemporary art exhibition per year. She also curated and executed monthly First Friday ICA Live! performances and artist engagement initiatives. In addition, she created several public programs for art appreciators and artists, such as panel discussions, lectures, portfolio reviews, and artist professional development workshops. In 2017, she instituted a national call for site-specific installations and implemented pipeline for future art commissions. Below are select projects that she worked on at the ICA.

O.M. France Viana ICA Live!; Ube Trade. 2016

O.M. France Viana ICA Live!; Ube Trade. 2016

ICA Live!


Presented during Downtown San Jose South First Fridays, ICA Live! seeks to explore the role of the performance art medium in contemporary society. Held every first Friday of the month as part of SoFa District’s South First Friday, it is a special one-night experience that includes thought provoking experimental art performances and opportunities to engage with contemporary artists. Performances have taken place within the galleries, in the Lounge, at the public park (Parque de los Pobladores), which is located across the street from the ICA.

From 2016- current, curated monthly First Friday programs by the following artists: Peter Foucault (Oakland); Arlene Biala (San Jose); Amy Oates (Oakland); Kate Lee Short and Ven Voissey (Oakland/Palm Desert); Nick Dong (Oakland); XUXA SANTAMARIA (Oakland); Shawn HibmaCronan (Oakland); Travis Meinholf (Lagunitas); Carmina Eliasson (San Jose); Scott Tooby (Santa Cruz); Lux Interna (San Francisco); and Lauren Baines Dance/Theatre (San Jose). Forthcoming: O.M. France Viana (San Francisco); Pantea Karimi (San Jose); and Frau Fiber (Los Angeles)